Project creating: User Story (2/3)
In order for you to comply with expectation of yourself, you need to pick a role and write a user story about it. Administrator, User, Designer, Developer, you create roles you design the idea with the result.
Web Restriction Script For Windows
Have you ever thought, how to make a quick and easy way to prevent yourself from social network websites that we tend to binge all the time? I did. Stopsocial.bat
Project creating: Idea for project (1/3)
Write down your Genius idea, and test it honestly is it so genius after all.
Website Creation Tools
10 Steps how to build a website, as Step 11 will be done by you as the owner of website.
GDPR Within Development
Visitor could be compensated with a buck load of money based on the privilege of the decision to share data or not.
Search Engine Optimization Kind Of
Content you are trying to advertise is stressful and may end-up at the second page of Google(graveyard). Time to prevent it.