Comparing detailed notification requirements across 50+ jurisdictions plus all US States.
List and overview of fines and penalties under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, DSGVO)
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The rough amount of all GDPR fines issued so far is currently over �300million. Interestingly, both the smallest and the biggest fine.
16 ��. 2024 �. � The financial penalties for breaching the GDPR can be staggering, running into hundreds of millions of euro.
We've compiled a list of the biggest GDPR fines ever issued so far to show businesses the consequences of not complying with the GDPR.
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National authorities can or must assess fines for specific data protection violations in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
The CJEU confirmed that national law may allow consumer associations to bring GDPR claims to court, even if they are not mandated by the data subjects and�...
The biggest GDPR fines of 2020, 2021, and 2022 (so far) � 6. Google � �50 million ($56.6 million) � 7. H&M � �35 million ($41 million) � 8. TIM � �27.8 million ($�...
5 ���. 2024 �. � GDPR fines are structured so that processor obligations carry a maximum penalty of �10m/£8.7m or 2% of turnover if greater, where controller�...
Virtually all evidence, whether in litigation or arbitration or relating to investigations carried out by regulators or enforcement.
The GDPR gives you a right to claim compensation from an organisation if you have suffered damage as a result of it breaking data protection law. This�...
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